Hollinwood Canal Society News

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

First Working Party in Tameside

Volunteers from the Hollinwood Canal Society, Waterway Recovery Group and Tameside Countryside Service came together last weekend (6th & 7th October) for a joint working party on the Hollinwood Branch Canal at Well Style, between Littlemoss and Daisy Nook.

This was the first time that the Society and WRG had worked with Tameside Countryside Service. Overgrown vegetation was removed from the disused canal bed, bringing back a more open habitat.

Hollinwood Canal Society chairman Frank Smith said, "The volunteers from Waterway Recovery Group and the Canal Society enjoyed working with the Tameside volunteers in a new location.

"Removing surplus vegetation helps to preserve what is left of the canal's structure. Making the canal more visible helps to make people aware of the canal as part of the historic infrastructure of Tameside."

Tameside Countryside Service provided a heavy duty chipper resulting in a very effective weekend's work opening up an area that had become very closed-in and overgrown.

Above: before. Below: after.

Above: before. Below: after.


  1. The trees that you are cutting down were not obstructing the footpath and provided shade,I believe the entire canal from Stannybrook Rd to Fairfield marina is to be reinstated,I hope you realise that a protected plant is in the canal and cannot be touched, hence the lack of dredging on this canal. I personally cannot see this scheme happening,and I implore you to stop the damage that you are doing.Thank you, a concerned walker

  2. just as i thought, the canal from Stannybrook Rd to the M60 is drying out, in a few months time, all there will be left is mud, just right for young children to get stuck in, what`s next, a fence to stop them,that will proberbly be erected by the same people who cut down the trees, that will do same job that the trees did. A total waste of time and money. Can`t wait to be proved right.
